Chelsea + Ethan’s love story starts on a church youth trip in Garden City, South Carolina two years ago. The pair had never met previously, but both became youth leaders to chaperone, never expecting to meet the loves of their lives in the process. After spending that week together to know each other, Ethan decided to ask Chelsea out at the end of the trip, and they spent the next year growing in faith and in love.
They tied the knot last August after 13 months of dating at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame & Nuevo Cleveland, and here we are a year later celebrating God’s blessing on their marriage! Their session included a gorgeous sunset afternoon adventuring around lush fields and to a quarry outlook. These two were such a blast to work with, and very obviously in love. Ethan’s hilarious sense of humor had Chelsea’s sweet heart laughing the entire night, and my stomach hurt from laughing so hard! It was such a blast!!
These two are the kind of couple that makes you understand why love songs are written and how lucky we are that God decided to bless us with marriage. They’re a true testament of trusting God to bless you with the one He has planned for you when the time is right, and a great example of what godly marriage looks like!

Dress: Radiant Bride
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