Sarah & Jesse’s love story is one about second chances and that when you’re meant to be with someone, you will be!
These two met in high school, but were only friends because Jesse was too nervous to take the leap and ask her out, though his feelings were there. As he started college, he found himself asking “what if,” and wishing he could go back and change things.
On Sarah’s birthday, he simply sent her a happy birthday text, never expecting anything to happen, but the single text started long conversation. Before they knew it, they were talking, and Jesse knew that he had been given the second chance he had hoped for. He asked her out, and four years later, these two love birds are engaged!!
Fun fact about this pair is that I’ve actually known both of them since I was much younger! Back in the day, I did both karate and theatre, which is how I met each of them, but had no clue they knew each other!! Once we sat down for some coffee and connected the dots, it was extra special that I get to see them both say, “I do!”
Sarah and Jesse, you two make the perfect match, and I had so much fun laughing and spending time with you for your engagement session! I cannot wait until the wedding in exactly one year from today!!
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