I’ve known Maggie for about nine or ten years because one of my closest friends, Moira, is her older sister, and she is one of my sister’s friends! We share so many little memories growing up including sister movie nights, trick-or-treating, dance practices, etc. It is so cool to spend time with her and document this part of her life because I’ve had the pleasure of watching her grow up!! She is also my senior rep for Crestview High School!
Her red hair is to die for, not to mention it is naturally that straight and healthy!! I’m so jealous. Her dress was the perfect color for her and I absolutely loved everything about it!! For her senior session, we headed over to Fellows Riverside Gardens and spent the whole afternoon walking around the gorgeous park. The spring flowers were everywhere making for extra fun spots for photos. I couldn’t get enough!
I cannot wait to spend more time with this fun gal as she goes through her last year of high school! I cannot believe it’s finally her senior year!!
Love you, my girl!! It’s going to be so fun to watch your final chapter of high school!!

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