Fun senior + hilarious mama = perfect senior session!
Before I ever met Taylor and her mama, Lorie, I knew our shoot at Mill Creek Park was going to be so much fun. We connected through a mutual family friend, and knowing that awesome family I love, there was no doubt in my mind that The Barbers would be the same way!!
To start, Taylor came dressed in such an elegant, classy outfit – the kind that lets the girl shine more than the outfit instead of the outfit outshining the girl. It was so perfect for Taylor’s gentle and fun personality, and it went perfectly with the fall season. The leaves were the most perfect color since it was the very end of October (aka the best time). Suede skirts have my heart when the leaves start changing color. Taylor’s second and third outfits did the same thing – letting her shine and complimenting her. Simplicity is sometimes the best move when it comes to choosing outfits.
While Taylor did a beautiful job posing for her session, she would have anyone fooled since the weather was super super cold. Taylor and her mom were smart enough to bring a blanket, so I made sure that every few poses she had breaks to warm back up. Since Ohio temperatures had been jumping between 80 degrees and 30 degrees, I hadn’t thought to bring gloves – oops! You’d really think I would know better by now living in unpredictable Youngstown, Ohio. By the end, my fingers were a tad frozen. That was okay with me because every second was filled with fun laughter to the point where my stomach hurt after we were done. When we reached The Mill at the very end of her session, I had to pause taking photos for a second from the silly jokes we were all making. My favorite kinds of sessions are the ones that I leave so happy and excited to get home and show them their photos. This was that perfect kind!
Taylor, never lose that elegance you have about you as you head off to college! It is so precious and rare to find. Have such a blast!!
Location: Mill Creek Metroparks
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