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Growing Up Too Fast – The Vuksanovich Boys

January 2, 2018

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One of the most difficult things about winter photoshoots is the brisk weather, but these two young boys were up for the challenge in their sibling shoot. David and Jason, two brothers from Holy Family School have been a part of my life from the second they were born (I vividly remember both of them). I watched them grow from babies, to toddlers and young kids as I babysat back in my end-of-middle-school days, and now they’re both in middle school! I think as a babysitter, you always think those kids will stay little, and you never expect them to grow up. Somehow, time passed by quickly though, and David (pictured on the left above) is going to be a freshman in high school next year. That still blows my mind, and I have no idea how that happened. This is one way to make a girl feel old!

The photoshoot started out with formal pictures, and they both happily took off their coats to get the best shot. That’s certainly more dedication than I have since there was no way I was taking mine off.  With two bright smiles, they never once asked to put their jackets back on or complained about the temperature.  But as soon as I was done, I had them put them back on for a cute little shot with their matching coats, although Jason said he did not need his coat. The babysitter in me insisted he not get sick avoiding the jacket. 

After the formal poses, I let them go play around because they won’t be kids forever right? I felt it was important to document the moments left in their childhood, as they skipped rocks and played with the ice that was forming at the end of the pond. 

There is nothing quite like a little boy’s joy when he throws the ice and it breaks into a billion pieces. (There was parental supervision, no one worry).

Before taking off, I thought mom, Lori, should be included in the shoot too because the older kids get, the less chances you get to take pictures with them. Plus it is obvious to everyone who knows Lori how much she loves her boys and how much they love her. How sweet is this picture?! 


These kiddos could not have been more fun to work with, if you ask me. They were super cooperative, but so much fun to be around. I am so happy I got to document this part in their lives and to get to watch them grow up from the little boys I babysat back in the day.


The Vuksanovich’s

December 2017

  1. Lori says:

    Thank you for taking auch wonderful pictures showing the personalities of both boys!

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