This incredibly beautiful young lady is also one of the most hilarious people I know, making her senior session a blast! Gianna’s pictures were taken on the coldest day of the year so far, but you do what you have to when it comes to Ohio and snow – you just never know if the snow will stay or be gone within the next few hours. We weren’t taking any chances. I am pretty sure when I first told her we would be going off the side of 224 (an extremely busy street in case you do not live near Ohio), she thought I was a little insane, but she did not question my idea even though I am sure it did not sound all that pretty. But look at that picture above! You would never know there were about a hundred cars passing by 20 feet away.
Gianna has such a cute smile, and that laugh on the far right is completely genuine. Getting that picture took more takes than you would think. It was difficult for Ashley (my assistant for this shoot) to get the reflector in the right position because of the uneven ground and many weeds all over the forest. We were trying very hard to throw snow so that it looked like it was falling (I am not about that fake snow editing), but we kept miserably failing, which is what made her laugh so hard. I think it turned out much cuter than what I had imagined.
After these couple pictures, we ran back to the car to defrost our hands and get our eyes to stop watering from the chilly air, and moved on to the next location.
Pets are always welcome during shoots, and Gianna took full advantage of that. Meet Bambi, one of the cutest dogs with a bunch of energy. We also decided that mom would appreciate an outfit with Gianna’s future university on it – YSU. Go Guins!
This poor girl was freezing without a coat, but you sure cannot tell from how gorgeous her pictures turned out!
Out of all the pictures we took, this was without a doubt in my top two favorites. Gianna was all for playing with the snow without gloves, even though I was quickly getting concerned that she would get frost bite. Nevertheless, this photo turned out so magically, and I love everything about it!
The trick to freezing sessions is getting a client with a warm heart, and Gianna truly has one of the warmest. I am so happy she joined my senior rep team this past year, and I am so excited to see where life takes her at YSU!
Gianna Guerrieri
South Range High School
Class of 2018
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